Who is Mr Pups?

A note from our owner,
Max Rose, UW-AAB
Mr Pups Pet Care began as Max Rose Pup Services in 2015, just as I began my undergraduate degree at the University of Washington. I was working as a dockhand at the Green Lake Boat House where I befriended a curious Catahoula named Ender. He knew we had cookies behind the counter and his insistence on the matter brought him right to me, day after day.
At 70lbs, Ender was a fully grown puppy with enough energy (and anxiety) to give even the most seasoned dog owners a run for their money. Ender's family needed the support of an on-call Doggie Uncle, and they gave me an opportunity to earn some money while spending time with Ender on a daily basis. Our walks led to overnight care, and he quickly became my best friend who I brought everywhere I could. Ender's family welcomed me in and provided me with the support to get through school, and in return, I cared for Ender.
Ender was not an easy dog by any stretch of the imagination. Through our daily walks around Green Lake, Ender introduced me to the world of leash reactivity, prey-drive, dominance aggression, anxiety based aggression, and just about every other topic pertinent to managing a temperamental dog. Over time, my confidence began to grow and I quickly learned how to manage his quirks and advocate for his best interests in various situations. As neighbors took notice, more dogs joined our walks and my name was generously passed around as the guy you want to watch your dog when you go out of town.
By my final year at UW, I was finishing an English degree and philosophy degree (with a heavy focus on animal ethics and welfare), and I was working full-time as a dog walker and sitter. Upon graduation, I wholeheartedly committed myself to a life for the dogs. In the years since, I haven’t once considered another way to live.
Ender passed away in April of 2023 due to an enlarged heart. Despite the heartbreak, I can only smile when I think of everything he set into motion. Mr Pups Pet Care now employs six full-time dog walkers, an extensive team of overnight pet sitters, and a full-time groomer. Shortly after he passed, I completed a second stint at UW to attain my certificate in Applied Animal Behavior, and my commitment to live life for the dogs remains steadfast. My next training certification is in the works, and who knows what else the future will bring?
Regardless of where this road leads, Mr Pups will forever be dedicated to Ender, my best friend, who started it all.
Max Rose